The RHA Annual Exhibition is the longest established open submission show in Ireland and the biggest annual survey of contemporary Irish art. While perennially popular with the public, the Annual Exhibition has, particularly in the past decade, become increasingly respected by artists anc critics alike. It manages to be artistically sound yet popular and commercial, and survives, not as al anachronism to the programming and aspirations of the Academy but as an essential part of its life. Both the Annual Exhibition and the Academy are evolving entities reflecting the art of their time. L the RHA, the show is artist-led and for the benefit of artists, reflecting the best and the best practitioners. It is made up of work by members; Academicians, Associates and Honoraries, as well works selected through open submission and by invitation. Inviting artists to participate enables the Academy to curate an area of the show, encourages and promotes young emerging artists, includes older established artists who might not ordinarily submi and develops contacts with artists from abroad. All of these elements have contributed to a change the perception of the Academy and have broadened the constituency of participating artists. The open submission process provides almost half of the Annual Exhibition, rigorously selected by Academy Council from the vast number of applicants. Both the regular commitment of many artists year after year, and the surprise element of any open submission are equally valued by the Academy Finally the work of members represents and reflects the different disciplines of this national institut and provides the constant core of the Annual Exhibition. The success of the exhibition lies in knitti these three strands together - invited artists, open submission and members' work - to form a plura and varied show which is vital and dynamic.
Artists: Eamon O'Kane, Sophie Aghajanian, Sinead Aldridge, James Allen, Saturio Alonso, Jean Bardon, Estelle Barrett-Morgan, John Behan , Liam Belton , Pauline Bewick , Veronica Bolay, Gerald Bruen, Sahoko Blake, Fergus Bourke, John Brobbel, David Browne, Steve Browning, Robin Buick, Patricia Burgess, Joe Butler, Andrea Byrne, Kate Byrne, William Carron, John Coyle, Eithne Carr, Desmond Carrick, Carey Clarke, Peter Collis, James Cahill, Cathy Carman, Michael Canning, Comhgall Casey, Murielle Celis, Adele Chapman, Andrew Clancy, Clifford Collie, Elizabeth Comerford, Oliver Comerford, Pat Connor, Paula Corcoran, Gerard Cox, Gary Coyle, David Crone, John Cronin, Grain Cuffe, Michael Cullen, Stephen Cullen, Michael John Sullivan, Ann Curran, Noel De Chenu, Edward Delaney, Jan De Fouw, Remco De Vouw, Edward Delaney, Cormac Dennis, Colm Desmond, John Devlin, John Doherty, Anne Donnelly, Jack Donovan, Cliona Doyle, Joe Duggan, Ana Duncan, Joe Dunne, Brendan Earley, Orla Egan, Hilary Elmes, James English
Megan Eustace, David Farrell, Jacinta Feeney, Andrew Folan , Brian Ferran, Martin Finnan
Tom Fitzgerald, Philip Flanagan, Jim Flavin, Taffina Flood, Andrew Fox, Damien Foley, Bill Freeland, Barbara Freeman, Paul Funge, Conor Fallon, T P Flanagan, Martin Gale, Dr Arthur Gibney, Eva Gabor, Brian Garvey, Trevor Geoghegan, Thomas Glendon, Tim Goulding, Jean Greene, Matthew Grogan, Charles Harper , James Hanley, David Hone, Angela Hackett, Valerie Hannan, Alice Hanratty, Colin Harrison, Patrick Harte, Cathy Henderson, Leo Higgins, Eileen Hogan, Patrick Horan, Ronnie Hughes, Jonathan Hunter
Rachel Hynes, Rachel Joynt, Catherine Kelly, Dennis Kelly, John Kelly, Sharon Kelly
Claire Kerr, Frank Kiely, Rachel Kierans, Peter Killen, David Gregory King, Raymond Kingham, Ludmila Korol, John Kelly, Richard Kingston, Gene Lambert , Carolyn Mulholland, James Nolan, Michael O'Dea, Eric Patton, Patrick Pye, Sonja Landweer, Jennifer Lane, Nancy Larchet, Gillian Lawler, Stephen Lawlor, Elizabeth Le Jeune, Elizabeth Leinster-Holt, Pamela Leonard, Roisin Lewis, David Lilburn, Anna Linnane, Patricia Looby, John Long, Paul MacCormaic, Eileen MacDonagh, Padraig MacMiadhachain, Bernadette Madden, Marie Madden, Marie Louise Martin, Stephen Matthews, Stephen McKenna, Brett McEntagart, Clement McAleer, Michael B. McAuley, Gavin McCandless, Caroline McCarthy, Sheila McClean, James McCreary, Gavan McCullough, Niall McCullough, Melissa McDonnell, Ruth Mchugh, Kevin McNamara, Michael McWilliams, Simon McWilliams, Laurent Mellet, Nick Miller, Maurita Moore, Alfonso Monreale, Michael Mulcahy, Olivia Musgrave, Niall Naessens, Makiko Nakamura, Christophe Neumann, Veronica Nicholson, Brid Ni Rinn, Evin Nolan, Lars Nyberg, Michael O'Boyle, Breon O'Casey, Ellis O'Connell, Brian O'Connor, Eamonn O'Doherty, Elizabeth O'Kane, Noelle O'Keefe, Mark O'Kelly, Richard O'Meara, James O'Nolan, Elizabeth O'Reilly, Margaret O'Sullivan, Michael O'Sullivan, William M. Park, Alice Peillon, Sheila Pomeroy, George Potter, Jane Proctor, Michael Quane, Barbara Rae, Zita Rehill, Daisy Richardson, Eamonn Robbins, Mark Ryan, Pat Ryan, Dr Thomas Ryan, Vivienne Roche
Neil Shawcross , Sam Stephenson, Imogen Stuart, Anita Shelbourne, Killian Schurmann, Anthony Scott, Emma Sergeant, Naomi Sex, Deirdre Shanley, Linda Shevlin, Sonia Shiel, John Shinnors, John Short, Katy Simpson, Blaise Smith, Dorothy Smith, Maria Simonds-Gooding, Joseph Sloan, Rose Sapleton, Sonja Suominen, Elizabeth Taggart, Vanessa Tallon, Maeve Taylor, Maura Taylor Buckley, Gerda Teljeur, Donald Teskey, Ciara Thorpe, Maighread Tobin, Tony Treacy, Rod Tuach, Cherry Turpin, Vadim Tuzoy, Brien Vahey, Joanne Vance, Lorraine Wall, Samuel Walsh, Christine Warburton, Barbara Warren, Keith Wilson