The Irish artist Eamon O’Kane, who also considered becoming an architect, selects his motifs from views of structures designed by architects such as Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier and Philip Johnson. 

He is not satisfied with the mere representation, but often recontructs the buildings. He develops his own worlds and presents them in his work. He looks behind the facades of houses, studios and museums. What promises do they make? What expectations are aroused by the exterior design, how does »nature« function upon these stages? Eamon O’Kane resamples and scratches the houses of modernity as well as other motifs from art historical contexts as he sees fit. He makes unexpected combinations from different times and materials, thus opening up unusual, contemporary worlds of meaning and context. There are often reflections in his paintings about art and the mechanics of the art world. In spite of this intellectual approach to his work it comes across in a cheerful and relaxed manner. 


Josef Filipp Galerie