From 6 to 10 April, and until 24 April on Artsy, Art Paris 2022 will bring together 130 modern and contemporary art galleries from 23 countries. 

The 24th edition not only boasts a high-level selection, but it is also characterised by its actions in favour of the environment. Its two themes Natural Histories: A Focus on the French Scene and Art & Environment are orchestrated by guest independent curators, Alfred Pacquement and Alice Audouin respectively. In parallel, the fair has committed to a pioneering innovative and sustainable approach to organizing an art fair.

Both regional and cosmopolitan, Art Paris asserts its role as a discoverer of new talent in particular, thanks to its “Solo Show” and “Promises” sectors, which focuses on young galleries and emerging talents.

Galerie Andres Thalmann

Sam Francis, Michael Craig-Martin, Howard Hodgkin, Ian Davenport, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Donald Sultan, Claude Viallat, Eamon O'Kane